Contributions of Computer Engineering to Society

Computer Engineering has helped a lot with the development of society. Based on statistics, more than 80 000 workers in the United States alone are computer engineers, which is more than 5% of the totality of engineers in the United States. Below are some of the wonders of computer engineering that helped in the development of society.



Computers are the main outputs of computer engineers and computer engineering in general. It covers almost all technical sectors such as aerospace, transportation, medicine and many others. The industry is taking advantage of new architecture, materials and designs. It offers computer engineers with many opportunities, from the design of new architectures and new computer circuits, to the development of large clusters of interconnected computers.



Computer Engineers have always been involved in aspects of communications system or telecommunications itself. It has formulated designs for broadcasting, telephony, and satellites. Computer Engineers implement the computer network and development of communicating handheld devices such as iPods and iPhones. Large and small communication systems are controlled by computers, and issues of inter-operability and security are likely to require significant involvement of computer engineers.



Although Electrical Engineers are often focused with this sector, Computer Engineers have also work for power utilities, which are engaged in tasks such as load forecasting, load flow calculations, stability analysis, and optimization. Computer Engineers in this sector are more focused on algorithms for power trading. Electronic Companies need a much more complex infrastructure for negotiation and economic analysis, and this infrastructure provides employment and professional challenges to many computer engineers.



Computer Engineers in aerospace are the one mostly focused on the design. Development of control systems and data management system for aircraft such as helicopters and spacecraft are wheat computer Engineers are exposed to in Aerospace. They are also in charge with Contemporary navigation, sensing, and control systems. In the military, computer engineers contribute designs for radars, rockets and missiles, as well as in electronics, lasers, and optics.



Computer Engineer also play very vital roles in this sector, particularly on biomedical engineering. They construct designs and control for diagnostic and therapeutic device, on-line monitoring of patients, implanted deviced and automated measurements. For example, computers programs implement all major image acquisition and image enhancement in modern biomedical imagery using X-rays, ultrasonics, computed tomography (“CAT scans”), and magnetic resonance.



Computer Engineers in manufacturing are in charge of the workplace, wherein plethora of computer controlled devices and probes to monitor and regulate manufacturing processes are introduced since most workplaces in manufacturing these days are now “computerized” or more futuristic.



Computer Engineers are the ones who are in charge in technical background in concerts and theaters. They add a more virtual-reality spin to make the experience more dramatic. They are also in charge with rollercoasters and computer games as well.



Computer Engineers design cars, highways, railroads, and ships, with the additional of traffic management as well.




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